My 6-year-old and I are experimenting with Claude’s Artifact to build interactive learning games

Hello, fellow parents! Today, I want to share an exciting thing we started, thanks to an incredible new feature in Claude—Artifacts. This experience has not only transformed how Laksh engages with his education but also opened my eyes to the boundless possibilities of AI in the educational sphere.

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The Discovery

It all started when I heard about the new Artifact feature in Claude. Intrigued by its potential, I decided to give it a shot. As a parent always on the lookout for ways to make learning fun and effective for my son, this seemed like a promising tool.

The First Step: Interactive Quizzes

Laksh is in grade 2, and like most kids his age, he’s brimming with curiosity and energy. He has a keen interest in robotics, DIY projects, and photography. Of course, he also has to study the subjects taught in school. To blend his passions with his academic requirements, I decided to create interactive quizzes using Claude’s Artifact.

I started with topics that Laksh loves—robotics and DIY projects. The ease of creating these quizzes was astonishing, and the results were even better. Laksh loved the interactive quizzes! He was engaged, enthusiastic, and, most importantly, learning in a way that resonated with him. He enjoyed them so much that he kept asking for more.

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Sparking a New Idea

Seeing Laksh’s excitement, I decided to ask him what he would like to do with this newfound tool. His response was both heartwarming and inspiring. He said he wanted to create interactive quizzes and games based on his school syllabus to make learning more interesting and helpful for his classmates. This simple idea has the potential to revolutionize how kids perceive their education.

By the way, Laksh is no stranger to sharing his knowledge. He creates educational courses and publishes them on, a platform where kids teach what they love. It’s a space that encourages peer learning and helps children enhance their own skills while teaching others.

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Exploring Further: Circuit Building Simulation

Our exploration didn’t stop at quizzes. We decided to try a circuit-building simulation game using Claude’s Artifact. Once again, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Laksh was not only engaged but also learning complex concepts through hands-on experience. It was a joy to see him so absorbed in an educational activity.

The Power of AI in Education

This entire experience has made me realize the immense power of AI, especially with tools like Claude, in shaping the future of education. Interactive, engaging, and personalized learning experiences can make a world of difference for our children. They can explore their interests, understand complex topics, and even enjoy their studies.

As a parent, there’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing your child excited about learning. Thanks to Claude’s Artifact, Laksh’s educational journey has become more vibrant and engaging. I can’t wait to see what else we can create and learn together.


If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend exploring Claude’s Artifact. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or just someone passionate about education, the possibilities are endless. And who knows? You might just spark a love for learning in your child, just like I did with Laksh.

Join us on this exciting journey and discover the future of online education!

Try the quiz:

Try the circuit building simulation:

Capt. Venkat

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