It all started with a simple Roti-Making video

A year ago, a simple roti-making video marked the start of our joyous journey, sharing and learning together.

A year ago, we took a little leap into the world of sharing on YouTube. It all started with a simple video of my son, Laksh, trying his hand at making rotis. There was no grand plan or specific reason behind it—just a moment of joy watching him eager to learn, explore, and share.

Funny enough, it wasn’t a deliberate move; it was sheer happiness seeing Laksh dive into new experiences and his readiness to share it with others. When I shared that video with a friend, they suggested, “Why not put it on YouTube?” So, that’s exactly what we did.

From a roti-making video to countless shared moments, it’s the joy of sharing that drives our learning.”

Between Laksh and me, there’s this common thread – if he learns something, he wants to pass it on. That’s how it all began. Since then, our journey has been an evolution in how we do things, capture them, and most importantly, share them.

It’s been incredible witnessing the growth and development in the way we approach learning and sharing. From that simple roti-making video to the various experiences we’ve captured and shared, it’s been an enjoyable ride.

One thing remains unchanged—the joy of learning and the delight in sharing it with others. It’s a value we hold dear, one that has shaped our journey.

“Every shared moment is a spark that ignites new learning journeys for our children.”

As I reflect on this year, I realize how this simple act has paved the way for greater connections, learnings, and discoveries. It’s been a year filled with revelations, and I’m excited to see where this sharing journey takes us next.

I’ll leave you with one of our favourite mottos: “Learning is joy when shared.”

Warm regards,

Capt. Venkat

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