He created a self-moving table to help his grandmother in the garden

Laksh transformed a table into a moving wonder, using wheels and motors. His curiosity and tech-savvy approach showcase the potential kids have for creative problem-solving through exploration.

I’ve got a wonderful story to share—one that captures the essence of Laksh, my inquisitive son, and his remarkable journey of problem-solving through his passion for robotics and technology.

It was an ordinary day; we were spending time with my mother in her garden. As we relaxed, Laksh, being the thoughtful child he is, offered, “Nani, I will help you carry your garden pots.” His genuine desire to lend a hand was evident. Then came the unexpected spark of brilliance. During tea time, he eyed the tablemate and casually suggested, “How about I add wheels to this table? But I don’t want to move it manually—I’ll power it with motors!” That’s Laksh for you—always curious, always ready to dive into an idea. And so, the project commenced.

Laksh embarked on a series of experiments, facing around ten trial-and-error sessions and numerous revisions before reaching success. With sheer determination, he connected four gear motors in parallel and installed a forward and reverse control switch. The moment of truth arrived—the table, now set in motion by his innovative modifications, thrilled both Laksh and my mother.

What struck me the most was witnessing his enthusiasm for blending curiosity with technology to solve everyday challenges. His passion for experimenting and finding solutions is truly remarkable. It’s in these moments that we glimpse the boundless potential our children possess. Laksh’s penchant for innovation has been a revelation for us.

Through his growing interest in robotics and DIY projects, he not only entertains himself but also discovers practical applications for technology in everyday life. His journey highlights the importance of nurturing curiosity and embracing technology as a tool for creative problem-solving. It’s stories like these that emphasize the significance of encouraging our children’s interests.

Laksh’s determination and love for experimentation continue to inspire me and reaffirm my belief in the incredible capabilities of our future generation. In Laksh’s words, “When you’re stuck, try and try until you get it right.” This simple yet profound motto perfectly encapsulates his spirit of perseverance and curiosity.

As parents, it’s our responsibility to nurture and encourage such curiosity-driven endeavors. These experiences become stepping stones for our children, shaping them into innovative thinkers and problem-solvers of tomorrow.

Laksh’s enthusiasm and passion showcase the power of allowing our children to explore their interests and discover the limitless potential within themselves.

Bye for now,

Capt Venkat

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