
Introducing Atharva to Carpentry: A Journey with Alaguli Mane

In a digital age where screen time is a constant challenge, I introduced my son, Atharva, to carpentry by preparing an "alaguli mane" game board, blending cultural heritage with hands-on learning. This journey not only kept him engaged but also fostered essential skills and enriched our bond.

In today’s digital age, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to keep children away from screens. As a parent, I am always cautious about letting my son, Atharva, use the phone. Instead, I focus on engaging him in various activities, especially over the holidays and weekends. We share a love for board games, particularly traditional Indian ones. Last weekend, I decided to introduce him to “alaguli mane,” a game rich in culture and strategy.

The Decision and Preparation

Our journey began when I discovered an old alaguli mane game board at my mother’s house. However, the wooden board was extremely raw, with sharp fibers protruding from the surface. It needed significant smoothing and varnishing before we could use it safely. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to introduce Atharva to the basics of carpentry.

We headed to a nearby shop and purchased sandpaper, varnish, thinner, and a small brush. On Sunday morning, after breakfast, we embarked on our carpentry adventure. I explained to Atharva how sandpaper works and showed him how to smooth the wood by rubbing it against the grain. He quickly grasped the process and enthusiastically helped me clean the surface.

Teaching and Learning

Next, I showed him how to blow away the dust and use a brush to remove the remaining particles. Atharva not only completed the task but thoroughly enjoyed it. I then introduced him to varnish, explaining its purpose and how to apply it carefully to the wood. With guidance, he applied the varnish perfectly.

We left the board to dry under the sun for two days. In the meantime, we cleaned and dried some tamarind seeds, which are essential for playing alaguli mane. Two days later, with all our preparations complete, I taught Atharva how to play the game, and we’ve been enjoying it together ever since.

How to Play Alaguli Mane

Alaguli mane is a traditional Indian board game that involves strategy and counting. The game board consists of two rows of pits, and each player has an equal number of tamarind seeds or small stones. Players take turns picking up seeds from one pit and distributing them, one by one, into subsequent pits. The goal is to capture as many seeds as possible by landing in pits with specific conditions. The game continues until all seeds are captured, and the player with the most seeds wins.

Safety and Instructions

While engaging in carpentry, safety is paramount. Always ensure that the working area is clean and free from hazards. Use appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and masks, to avoid inhaling dust and fumes. Teach children the proper handling of tools and supervise them closely to prevent accidents.

The Importance of Alaguli Mane in Mental Development

Alaguli mane is more than just a game; it’s a tool for mental development. It enhances mathematical skills, strategic thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Children learn to plan their moves, anticipate their opponent’s strategy, and count accurately. Moreover, the game promotes patience, concentration, and hand-eye coordination. By engaging in this traditional game, children connect with their cultural heritage and develop essential cognitive skills without the need for screen time.

In conclusion, our journey of preparing the alaguli mane board and playing the game together has been a delightful experience. It not only kept Atharva away from screens but also taught him valuable skills and enriched our bond. I encourage parents to explore similar activities with their children, fostering creativity, learning, and quality time together.

One comment

  1. This is so satisfying and inspiring to watch. I found out about this game through your post, and now it has made me curious. Thank you.

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