Kid typing text on a computer

First steps in typing for young kids through a creative project

At school, every 3 or 6 months, it was common to make a periodical publication where every child participated. Some parts were drawings, others were text, and some were a mix of both. Back then, computers weren’t widespread, so we drew the pictures and wrote the texts by hand, then typed the texts on The school computer. After typing the texts, we glued them near the drawings or on pages containing other articles. Finally, teachers would make copies using a copier, and we’d sell them.

When I was 6, my father bought a computer and let me use it freely. This way, I learned to type fast for my age. I remember speeding through typing the texts and really liking it (An unuseful skill at the time). I wondered why this was only done every 6 months while dictations were done every week!

son typing his story on pc

A few weeks ago, I showed my son Andrés how to make his characters speak in the stories he was drawing by writing text near them. Inspired by the school journal days, I asked him to tell me more about the story’s context and to write it on paper. The next day, he typed his text on the computer, printed it, cut it out, and glued it near his drawing.

comic page

After having a few pages, he will make copies and coil them together. He’ll have a comic and be able to sell it.

Why engage in this activity?

  • He develops his typing skills, also needed for coding as I explained in another post.
  • He structure his ideas.
  • The kid doesn’t write for the sake of writing or type for the sake of typing. He has a purpose, which makes the activity fun.
  • It’s a long-term project.
  • I hope that by selling his comic, he will learn some lessons in communication.


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