Don’t kill a child’s zid

Encouraging a child's zid builds persistence, vital for success. Studies show 9 out of 10 adults give up due to lack of persistence.

Hey, fellow parents! Let’s dive deeper into the concept of “zid” and uncover its hidden gem: persistence. Often viewed as mere stubbornness, zid, a hindi word, is a trait many adults associate with children who refuse to listen or follow instructions. But what if we reconsidered its meaning?

Beneath the surface of zid lies a valuable quality: determination. When a child displays zid, they’re demonstrating a steadfast resolve to pursue their goals despite obstacles or opposition. It’s not about being stubborn for the sake of it; it’s about refusing to give up on what they believe in.

As adults, how often have we faced challenges and simply thrown in the towel? How many dreams have we abandoned due to fear or doubt? Studies reveal that 9 out of 10 adults give up on their endeavors due to a lack of persistence. But what if we tackled challenges with the same determination as a child with zid?

That’s the power of zid – it’s the fuel that drives us to keep going, even when the odds are stacked against us. And why should parents encourage their children’s zid? Because behind every display of stubbornness lies a seed of persistence waiting to bloom.

By nurturing this quality in our children, we’re teaching them to never give up on their dreams, no matter how daunting the journey may seem. So, the next time your child shows signs of zid, consider it an opportunity to cultivate their persistence. Encourage them to keep pushing forward, to never lose sight of their goals.

Let me share my son Laksh’s persistence and the power of zid. We were at a family celebration covered by professional photographers, and Laksh’s curiosity was piqued by a camera. He asked to use it, but the photographer refused. Despite others telling him to stop being adamant, Laksh persisted.

When I asked him why, he said he wanted to learn because the camera looked different from ours, and he’s been learning photography. I intervened, and the photographer was impressed by Laksh’s skills, giving him a chance to shoot. Both were happy, and so was I.

If I had refused to help Laksh with his zid, he would have missed out on learning and building a skill.

Let’s encourage zid and help our kids build their superpower.

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