Chhota Creator Superstar Contest – Timelines and Details

A detailed look at all the details and timelines.

Contest Overview

The Chhota Creator Superstar Contest is an exciting opportunity for kids aged 5 to 12 to showcase their creativity and knowledge by creating and uploading their course on the Chhota Creator website. The course can cover any topic and be presented in any format. The contest will be judged based on the total number of ratings received for each course, encouraging participants to share their courses widely.

Key Dates

  • Final Date for Creators Registration: 20th June 2024. Registration Form Link.
  • Course Submission Opens: 22nd June 2024
  • Course Submission Closes: 7th July 2024
  • Final Results Announcement: 10th July 2024

Contest Details

  • Eligibility: Kids aged 5 to 12 years old. (we can take exceptions on a case to case basis)
  • Course Topic: Any topic of the participant’s choice.
  • Course Format: Any format (video, slides, written content, interactive sessions, etc.). Read this post on how to create a course. A guide on creating courses on Chhota Creator.

Judging Criteria

  • Ratings: The course with the maximum number of ratings will be deemed the winner.
  • Audience: Anyone can rate the course, so participants are encouraged to share their course as widely as possible to garner more ratings.


  • Grand Prize: Selligion Praho Powerful Mini Computer

Contest Timeline

Registration Phase

  • Start Date: Immediately
  • End Date: 20th June 2024
  • Details: Participants must register for the contest by filling out the registration form (Registration Form link) and sign up on the Chhota Creator website. This phase ensures that all participants are accounted for and ready to submit their courses.

Course Submission Phase

  • Start Date: 22nd June 2024
  • End Date: 7th July 2024
  • Details: Registered participants can begin uploading their courses to the Chhota Creator website. All submissions must be completed by the end date to be considered in the contest.

Rating Phase

  • Start Date: 22nd June 2024
  • End Date: 9th July 2024
  • Details: As soon as the courses are uploaded, they will be available for public viewing and rating. Participants are encouraged to share their course links to gather as many ratings as possible.

Results Announcement

  • Date: 10th July 2024
  • Details: The winner will be announced on the Chhota Creator website based on the course with the maximum number of ratings. The grand prize will be awarded to the winner.

Additional Notes

  • Promotion: Participants should use social media, emails, and any other means to share their course links to gather more ratings.
  • Support: For any queries or support, participants can contact the Chhota Creator support team via email or through the contact form on the website.


The Chhota Creator Superstar Contest is not just about winning but also about learning and sharing knowledge. We encourage all young creators to participate enthusiastically and make the most of this wonderful opportunity to shine and be recognized for their creativity and hard work. Good luck to all participants!

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