How teaching my 6-year-old transformed my learning

Hey there, fellow parents! Capt Venkat here, Laksh’s dad, with a story about how teaching my 6-year-old son became the most effective learning experience of my life. If you ever thought you had mastered a skill, try teaching it to a child with an insatiable curiosity—it will change everything.

Discovering Canva Together

I’ve always been proud of my skills on Canva. I could whip up posters and videos like nobody’s business. But then came the day Laksh showed interest. “Dad, can I make a poster?” he asked. I figured I’d teach him the basics, and he’d be good to go.

As I started explaining the simple tools, Laksh’s questions began. “What does this button do? How do you make this animation?” His curiosity pushed me to explore features I had never used. I had to keep up with his pace, which was faster than I anticipated. I quickly realized that I needed to understand every nook and cranny of Canva to keep his excitement alive.

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Recording with OBS Software

Next came OBS software for recording videos. I thought I knew it well enough, having used it for various projects. Laksh, however, had different plans. “Can we make a video with special effects, Dad?”

Special effects? I had never really ventured into that territory. But Laksh’s enthusiasm was infectious. We delved into OBS’s advanced settings together. We experimented with green screens, transitions, and layering audio. I found myself learning more in those sessions with Laksh than I ever did on my own. His eagerness to explore pushed me to dive deeper into the software’s capabilities.

AI Blogging Adventures

Then, there was the time we decided to use AI to write blogs. I thought I had a pretty good handle on it. But Laksh’s questions kept coming. “How does the AI know what to write? Can we make it write in different styles?” To keep up with his curiosity, I had to understand the AI’s algorithms and how to manipulate its responses better. We played around with different prompts, tweaking and refining until we got the desired output. Laksh’s relentless pursuit of answers made me dig deeper into the technology, improving my understanding and usage of AI tools.

The Realization

Through these experiences, I realized something profound: teaching doubles the pace of learning. My speed in comprehending and explaining had to match Laksh’s expectations. His exploration mindset triggered me to dig further and experiment more. Features I had never touched or tried became part of our regular projects because of his curiosity.

Teaching Laksh didn’t just enhance his learning—it turbocharged mine. I started to believe that there’s no better way to master a skill than to teach it. The process of explaining, demonstrating, and exploring together made me realize how much more there was to learn.


So, to all the parents out there, I encourage you to teach your kids whatever you know. Their curiosity will push you beyond your comfort zone and transform your understanding of the subject. It’s a journey of mutual growth, where both you and your child become better learners.

Have you had any similar experiences where teaching your child opened new doors of understanding for you? Share your stories—I’d love to hear them!

Until next time, here’s to learning, exploring, and growing together with our kids.

Capt Venkat

P.S. Laksh continues to amaze me with his exploration mindset. Our learning adventures are far from over, and I can’t wait to see where they take us next!

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