6 Things I Did to Keep My Son Away from Screen Addiction

Here are six key strategies I used to keep him away from screen addiction and nurture his creative skills instead.

As a parent in today’s digital age, one of the biggest challenges I faced was managing my son’s exposure to screens. When my son, Lakshveer, was just 3 years old, he was already fascinated by the gadgets around him. I knew it wouldn’t take much time for that fascination to turn into an addiction. Here are six key strategies I used to keep him away from screen addiction and nurture his creative skills instead.

1. Lead by Example

Children are keen observers. I made a conscious effort to ensure my own screen usage was purposeful and not just for entertainment. Whether I was working on LinkedIn or browsing Twitter, I always explained the purpose behind it to Lakshveer. I never used my mobile phone for watching random videos in his presence. By showing him that screens can serve functional purposes, I set a clear example.

2. Involve Him in My Creative Processes

To channel his fascination with gadgets into something productive, I made Lakshveer sit with me while I worked on posters, presentations, and videos. He watched as I navigated through Canva, Biteable, Adobe, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Paint. This not only kept him engaged but also piqued his interest in creating things.

3. Provide the Right Tools

Understanding his growing interest, I gave him my old laptop with MS PowerPoint and MS Paint installed. This was the starting point of his journey into the world of creation. Instead of consuming content passively, he began to actively create, designing his own little projects and presentations.

4. No Mobile Phones as Pacifiers

One of the golden rules in our house was to never hand over a mobile phone to Lakshveer as a pacifier. Whenever he was restless or needed distraction, we found other ways to engage him, such as reading books, playing with toys, or engaging in outdoor activities.

5. Encourage Learning on Bigger Screens

When it came to educational content, I made sure it was always on a larger screen like a connected TV or a laptop. This required a conscious effort and ensured that learning was a deliberate and engaging activity. He never attended classes or watched learning apps on a mobile phone. The big screen created a clear distinction between casual entertainment and focused learning.

6. Promote Creation Over Consumption

From a young age, Lakshveer was told, and he grew to love, the idea that creating is more enjoyable than consuming. We encouraged him to build, design, and make things rather than just watch or play. Whether it was drawing, crafting, or working on digital projects, he was always encouraged to be a creator.

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These steps not only helped in keeping Lakshveer away from screen addiction but also nurtured his creative skills. Today, he continues to thrive in his creative pursuits, finding joy in making and designing, rather than passively consuming content. It’s a journey of conscious effort and mindful parenting, but seeing his creativity bloom makes it all worthwhile.

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