Chhota Creator Contest: Exciting Updates After 1 Week

Hello everyone!

I’m excited to share some updates about our latest initiative at Chhota Creator. We decided to launch a contest to reward our young creators. After discussing with Dr. Anuruddha Malpani, we secured a Selligion computer as the prize for the contest.

Launching this contest was not without its challenges. The idea of kids as creators for e-learning is not widely popular yet, and even those who are capable of doing this are hard to reach. We used Twitter and YouTube to spread our message and reach out to potential participants.

Dr. Malpani asked us to predict the number of participants. We anticipated around 10 to 12 kids joining the competition. It’s been a week since we started, and so far, we have 4 kids participating and 3 more in the pipeline.

Why This Contest Matters

Encouraging kids to create and share educational content has numerous benefits:

  1. Reinforcing Learning: When kids teach others, they reinforce their own understanding. This active learning process helps them grasp concepts better and retain information longer.
  2. Boosting Confidence: Creating and sharing their own courses helps kids build confidence in their abilities. They learn to articulate their thoughts and present information clearly.
  3. Fostering Creativity: Developing courses encourages kids to think creatively. They explore different ways to present information and engage their audience.
  4. Receiving Constructive Feedback: By sharing their courses, kids receive feedback from their peers and adults. This feedback helps them improve and refine their work, leading to continuous growth.
  5. Building a Sense of Accomplishment: Successfully creating and sharing a course gives kids a sense of achievement. They see the tangible results of their hard work and feel proud of their contributions.

Challenges and Solutions

While talking to a few parents, we received valuable feedback suggesting that we create a simple guide to help kids understand how to proceed, how to create courses, and the dos and don’ts of content creation. This was great feedback, and we are currently working on it.

How to Participate

Participation is still open for interested kids. If your child wants to join the contest and showcase their creativity, they can do so by clicking on this form link.

Steps to Participate:

  1. Sign Up: Register your child on Chhota Creator with the help of the provided form.
  2. Create a Course: Encourage your child to think about what they want to teach and help them plan their course.
  3. Upload and Share: Once the course is ready, upload it to Chhota Creator and share it with friends and family.

We believe this contest will be a fantastic opportunity for kids to learn, grow, and shine. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing the amazing courses your kids will create!

Capt Venkat

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